Robot vacuum seems to be the in thing nowadays. It seems like every home would like to have one. I personally feel that it is worth to discuss the robot vacuum and its worth in our home and our office. This is especially true when it relates to the 5S systems.

Attributes for Robot Vacuum

Cleaning Cycle

I can’t stand having to hunt down my robot because it got stuck on cords, toys, low-clearance furniture, or other obstacles during its cleaning cycle. So, as the vacuum goes about its work each day, it is important that we start to track the percentage of time it completes the job and returns to its dock without help. It is going to be seriously annoying since it is no longer an automated robot, but a semi automated one.


One of the most annoying thing to have in the house noises that is being created by our peripheral and equipment. To this matter, if anybody is really concern, do grab a decibel meter and hold it approximately 12 inches away from the vacuum or any other major equipment you have in the house as it runs on its most and least powerful modes. From the review, most models run at under 70 decibels on high, while quieter models at 60 decibels or lower. To understand the concept of decibels and its relationship to the environment, a balloon popping is 157 decibels and and a whisper is 15 decibels.


One of the great features of a robot vacuum is that it can clean under beds and other furniture that you may have trouble reaching with an upright vacuum. In general, a thinner robot vacuum is more likely to squeeze under your low-clearance furniture without getting stuck. So, it is important that we measure the clearance of all our key furniture in the house. Once we have that then we could choose the most suitable robot vacuum that matches our condition in the house. It is seriously dissapointing to but a robot vacuum and end up useless in the house. Do consider where you want to store the robot vacuum as well.

Robot Vacuum Maintenance

Robotic vacuums require regular upkeep. For instance, the dustbin needs to be emptied after each cleaning. Every week or two, you should clean the filter. And, every couple of months, you will need to replace filters and brushes. There are lot of different feature within the robot vacuum especially when it deals with maintenance. Thus, it is important that we look at how easy it is to clean different parts of the robot and how easy and affordable it is to buy replacement parts. It is seriously dissapointing to find out after sometime, that the cheap robot vacuum we buy turn out to be a nightmare. Think long term when buying a robot vacuum – spare parts and consumables like filters and brushes could mount up higher than our month expectation if we are not careful.

App Features

Once considered a luxury, most new units now have Wi-Fi connectivity and a companion smartphone app. I like to play around with the app and pick out the most useful features. Some popular features you might want are zoned cleaning with no-go boundaries, joystick control of where the vacuum cleans, maps that show you where the vacuum is if it gets stuck, and more. It is also important to read the review on how well the unit runs with and without using the app since sometimes you may not have access to your phone.

robot vacuum

Cleaning Process

In choosing the best vacuum cleaner for your home, home office or office, it is it would be wise to review the different cleaning process that the robot vacuum could give. There are three types of surface cleaning that needs to be clearly reviewed before buying any robot vacuum.

Carpet and Hardwood

First it is important to review that a robot vacuum could picked up the highest percentage debris from the carpet. This need to be done using its most powerful mode. Some of the test that are done by the reviewers or even advertisers are debris in the form of flour, coffee grounds, and kitty litter. Check the before and after picture. However, for me I personally like to personal review rather than the official review from advertisers or some blogs. A word of mouth is the best.


You don’t want an inch of dust bordering your rooms. You want a vacuum that’s going to clean your place from wall to wall. That’s why it is smart to review how robot vacuum perform corner cleaning. Dust from a teaspoon of flour is known as a notoriously difficult substance for some robot vacuum. Robot vacuum performed even worst. when it it in the corner of carpeted and hardwood rooms. In addition, during the review, do take a look at how close to the corner the vacuum was able to get. You would not want to the the manual job yourself right later.

I would also suggest those thinking about robotic vacuum to looked at the reviews and ratings of the top models from hundreds of owners and experts in the internet and try to find the most suitable one that is within your budget and feature.


Choosing a robot vacuum is like choose any other equipment in your house. The main idea is to have the end in mind and to clearly understand the purpose of the robot vacuum. It is important that we know what is the strength of weakness of the robot vacuum before commuting into one. So, it is worth it? I would say it is for those who are busy and elderly where their energy and time are totally scarce. However, for common people, the standard vacuum is more than enough. With obesity on the rise, I would definitely move my butt into more house chores, to maintain my physical shape.

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