How to love & not infatuate

Suddenly love feels out of topic and personally, it is not. When we want to sustain something we need to know the difference between love and infatuation. For a long term habit to be built, be it with your love ones or with the passion and thing you love, it needs to actually be love and not infatuation. As infatuation does not last. We need to celebrate our success our love and passion for someone or something and not simply infatuation.

So, what is the difference?

I always thought infatuation was part of love. I thought they complemented each other—until I experienced both and discovered that they can’t coexist. There are too many people who are convinced that they’re in love with someone or something just because they’re amazing and they can’t stop thinking about them or it, but the truth is most of the time the intensity that comes with really liking someone or something is not love—it’s infatuation. Here are some ways to tell the difference.

In short, love vs. infatuation

1. Infatuation happens instantly. Love is a slow process.

2. Infatuation craves physical affection. Love craves a deeper connection.

3. Infatuation makes you act irrationally or ‘crazy.’ Love calms you down.

4. Infatuation is intense but short-lived. Love is comfortable but lasts longer.

5. Infatuation is reckless with our emotions. Love is more considerate.

6. Infatuation has ulterior motives. Love has genuine intentions.

7. Infatuation brings out obsession and jealousy. Love brings out understanding and trust.

8. Infatuation is shallow. Love is deep.

9. Infatuation is selfish and draining. Love is kind and energizing.

10. Infatuation makes a big deal out of small things. Love lets them go.

11. Infatuation is being in love with the idea of someone. Love is being in love with who the person really is.

12. Infatuation is possessive. Love is generous.

13. Infatuation holds grudges. Love forgives.

14. Infatuation keeps you guessing. Love answers your questions.

15. Infatuation thrives on playing games. Love thrives on meaningful connections.

16. Infatuation is rocky. Love is solid.

17. Infatuation is delusional. Love is real.

18. Infatuation follows a timeline. Love is timeless.

19. Infatuation has unrealistic expectations. Love has realistic standards.

20. Infatuation is childish. Love is mature.

21. Infatuation grows with desire. Love grows with friendship.

22. Infatuation stems from insecurity. Love stems from self-assurance.

23. Infatuation makes you vengeful. Love makes you a better person.

24. Infatuation makes you forget you have a life. Love is integrated with yours.

25. Infatuation can leave unannounced. Love provides explanations.

26. Infatuation is never content with one person. Love is monogamous.

27. Infatuation is undefined. Love is exclusive.

28. Infatuation is loud. Love is quiet.

29. Infatuation can be self-destructive. Love can heal you.

30. Infatuation thinks love should be perfect. Love knows it’s not but it doesn’t matter. 

As a closing remark for my notes, love what you do and live life to your fullest.

Visit my blog for tips and tricks on how to perform the 5S. You know the basic already, but in most cases and consultancy that I make, knowing the basic is good, but applying the basic is another thing. Bloom is right in that sense. By now, I hope we have helped you to remember and understand how to do 5S and in someways are able to do apply the knowledge that you have into your own context.

Do check out my blog where you could analyze and evaluate the proposal that I have for different issues on how to implement this 5S concept. Please include in your comment if you could do it better. Why not, we are here to learn. I am just sharing what I know in the topic, and probably the one learning from me could be better than I am, and I am humbled and super happy with that.

end of 5S, but what’s next?