There are lot of professional deep cleaning services across the country. But, how do you find one that suited your style and budget. One of the easier ways to find out if to go to a comparison website. There are many comparison website across the globe, which you could search for. Hey, there may be even a comparison website for your state and even district.

So, what to look for when we are searching for these professional deep cleaning services. For me, being a 5S enthusiast, I would look key differentiator between these services. These are 5 things to look for.

1. Location, location and location

When choosing for professional deep cleaning services, I would also immediately for those in my local community. One of the most important things when we want to have a professional services, it to know them personally, and to be able to have the human touch when there is a complain. There is no better way than to get your professional deep cleaning than to find it locally. There may be other national or even multinational cleaning company that could support you in your professional cleaning in your home, but this may be more suited for commercial organizations. Once of the reason is national, and multinational companies usually give a much better deal to big corporations when it comes to services since they usually took a year or even a decade worth of contract. For home, usually on a need basis.

Go local when ever possible.

2. To uber clean or professional deep cleaning services

There are a lot of Uber based cleaners around in the world. These causes disruption in the way that professional deep cleaning services work. However, with everybody becoming a cleaner it is even more important that we check their credentials and other important aspects of the cleaners they sent.

I am not stereotyping, there are many good UBER based professional deep cleaning website who does a good profiling and vetting to ensure that their cleaners are of good standing. However, there are also some company who just allow anybody to be part of the list.

This create dangerous situation for everybody. So, do choose a website that you can trust that have perform the needed vetting for all those that are linked to them. We just do not want any Tom, Dick and Harry to come to our house today, and perform a night time clean-up later.

Furthermore, with UBER based Professional Deep Cleaning Services, always check the review. Choose only the one which you are confident enough. All is all, use common sense, if the service is too good to be true, probably it is. Be wary of those.

When in doubt choose your local professional deep cleaning services. They may cost you slight more, but less head ache. Plus, it is good to improve the life of the community, and thus supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

3. Payment Time and Method

This is one of the highly complain item is the professional deep cleaning services. When do you need to pay for the services, for the UBER based usually earlier, while for the local professional deep cleaning services probably after they have completed their work.

This is important as cleaning process is a service, and we should be able to be happy with the services. Most good professional deep cleaning services would allow you to pay at the end of their service. However, there are also some which requested that you pay them up front either in full or as a deposit to ensure that you could book their time.

In this case, do check the deposit forfeiture or what to do if the services is not a per your needed standard.

professional deep cleaning services

4. Rates for professional deep cleaning services

That is one of the most discussed topic of all. The rate of the cleaning services. This may varies country to country, state to state and area to area. In addition, the rate also may varies based on the level of services that they are able to give, in additional to equipment usage and distances from your home. There are many variables to the rates that you would encounter.

However, the most important part in this is to check whether the price is transparent, and whether the each cleaning services is detailed into a laymen term. In addition, do also check the after sales services. There are more than meet the eye usually when it come to the after sales service.

Lastly. some of the company usually put very low price to start, and then up-sell everything after. Be wary and be alert on the up-sell that the company is doing to you. You may be caught up more than your original budget if your are not ready to be up-sell especially when it come to deep professional cleaning services.

5. Perform website comparison

In the end, everyone of us need to do our due diligence. Use a comparison website for this purpose. Check their scope of work, pricing, contact details, method of payment etc. This would help you in the long term.

Check also their after sales, and if there is any insurance coverage for any damages that the company might do while cleaning your house.

You may want to check out my checklist on cleaning bedroom as well.