Rather than going to the gym for a weight loss exercise or outdoor, why not try theCovid-19 proof in door 5S weight loss exercises. This is an exercise which covers not only your physical well being, but also your mental and personal crave for a serene and zen space. As for me who is 5 ft 8 in, around 78 kg, I should expect around 215 kcal per hours of work, and as long as my food intake are generally less than my activity I should see a weight loss in general.

Some of the interesting activities for weight loss are. Try to focus on getting your weight loss workout through this activity, as it stop becoming a chore. It could be fun and addictive even. At least for me.

1. Making the bed a heavy weight loss exercise

Countless essays and articles have been written about the virtuous process of making your bed. Not only can it provide you with a sense of accomplishment to start your day, but there’s nothing nicer than slipping into a crisp, clean bed at the end of the day. For an added meditative touch, spritz your sheets with your favorite linen spray or diluted essential oil for a little extra scent. In addition, making the bed used up reasonable amount of energy tossing and turning around the bed sheet and duvet. This is especially true with heavy blankets, a cardio and strength exercise in one go.

2. Sweeping and vacuuming

Sweeping is quieter and less intense than vacuuming, plus the swishing sound of a broom on a hardwood floor sounds kind of like white noise perfect for those who want to move into zen. Perfect for in between deep cleans, sweeping can help you get up large debris. It’s especially fun to use outside to remove leaves and sticks from your porch or patio. On the other hand vacuuming is more intense, and would definitely used up more energy that would help up the weight loss. Ideally, find a vacuum cleaners which are heavier. Thus, better at simulating movement in the gym. Vacuum thick carpet for an extra boost of compounding weight loss activities.

3. Dusting a mild weight loss exercise

A gentle touch with a microfiber cloth or Swiffer duster removes dust easily, without polish or spreading it all around. So that means no messy residue or harsh cleaning products, just you bopping around the living room to your favorite songs. Just make sure you work from the top down, so you don’t accidentally waft dust onto the just-cleaned surfaces below.

This may look like very low impact activity, and does not have many movement. But, trust me. If you start dusting the top part of your wardrobe, cabinet and shelves. The energy expense due to movement to go the the top probably is more than the previous two combined.

4. Doing and folding laundry

It’s tempting to crawl into a pile of warm laundry on bad days, so you might as well fold it as you sit underneath it. Not only can you practice gratitude that you’ve got access to a washer and dryer, but there’s also something relaxing about the repetitive motion of folding your favorite clothes and pairing up matching socks. Plus, when it’s done, you’ll be glad to know that all of your favorite clothes are clean and neatly stacked in your drawers and closet.

But, why stop at folding. Doing the laundry itself is already a good activity for weight loss. Collecting laundry from every rooms, putting it into the washing machine and dryers, is ready a lot of movement. Imagine 0.04 calorie per step is burn. Moving 100 steps is already burning 4 calories. To make it even much more fun, why not hand wash our laundry. That would definitely add to the extra calorie burned.

5. Hand washing dishes

Warm water, some nice smelling dish soap, and some gentle washing, it can all be quite pleasant if you’ve got the time. While it’s not time- or water-efficient to hand wash every dish, sometimes there’s nothing more gratifying than scrubbing your pot, glass and plates. Cleaning a cloudy glass so it shines feels like an easy win when you need one.

Hand washing dishes as in doing laundry would add up to the calorie expense within a day. If we keep on doing these chores on a daily basis and increasing the intensity as make it a game so that it is fun. Then I am sure the weight loss that we are targeting will be come in time.

Good Luck to all with the new agenda at home.