Sparkling clean is the term. But, what do we mean by sparkling clean. From Longman’s dictionary, sparkling mean shining brightly with points of flashing light. In simple word, sparkling clean mean we could even see our reflection upon cleaning the parts or components. This is a misnomer. Not all parts and component could reflect light. However, the principle is the same. We need to think on how to clean to glory. A glorified cleaning process.

How many of us do actually do that?

I was working as a cleaning while my study during my undergraduates, master and even my PhD, to support myself and my family later on. So, I personally do understand and feel what this really mean.

Imagine in a typical toilets, there are mirrors, faucets, sinks etc – how clean they are? Are they sparkling clean or are they dull and out of life. In my work as a cleaner last time, I personally would make sure that the faucet or water tap is sparkling clean at the end of the cleaning. I feel that I have done a great job, if I could see them sparking. Sometimes, I even personally check whether I could see myself on the faucet, and how I looked. If there are stain or smudge, then I would remove them.

This goes the same for mirrors in the toilets.

Who wants to go to a toilet which looked dirty, full of stained and smudges. I think nobody would! So, it is neat if we could make sure that the toilets feel as if it is just being installed.

However, why stops at the toilets! It is also important to look into furniture, equipment, peripherals and other items in the house or office. Even doors and windows needs to be sparkling clean.

Here are five tips on how to achieve a sparkling clean space:

  1. Create a cleaning schedule: One of the most important things you can do to achieve a sparkling clean space is to create a cleaning schedule. This can include daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to keep your space clean and organized. Make sure to allocate enough time for each task and stick to the schedule as much as possible.
  2. Use the right cleaning products: To achieve a sparkling clean, it’s important to use the right cleaning products for the job. Look for products that are specifically designed for the surface you’re cleaning, and avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage surfaces or harm your health.
  3. Start with a declutter: A cluttered space can make cleaning more difficult and time-consuming. Before you start cleaning, take some time to declutter and remove any items that you no longer need or use. This will not only make cleaning easier but will also make your space look more organized.
  4. Clean from top to bottom: When cleaning, it’s important to start with the highest surfaces and work your way down. This way, any dirt or debris that falls will be cleaned up as you work. This will also help to reduce the amount of cleaning you need to do overall, as dirt and dust will not settle on surfaces that have already been cleaned.
  5. Pay attention to the details: One of the keys to achieving a sparkling clean is to pay attention to the details. This means going over surfaces multiple times, focusing on areas that are more prone to collecting dirt and grime, such as corners and baseboards. It also means wiping down surfaces until they are completely streak-free and taking the time to clean things like light fixtures and window sills.

But why is it important to have a sparkling clean space? Let’s look at a few reasons why sparkling clean is good for you.

  1. Improved health: A clean environment can reduce the spread of germs and bacteria, which can lead to a healthier environment. This is particularly important in spaces where there are a lot of people, such as offices or homes with children.
  2. Increased productivity: A clean and organized space can help to improve focus and concentration, which can lead to increased productivity. This is especially true in the office, where a clean environment can help to reduce distractions and improve overall efficiency.
  3. Improved mood: Being in a clean and organized space can help to improve your mood and reduce stress. This is because a clean environment can help to reduce clutter and chaos, which can be overwhelming and cause feelings of anxiety.
  4. Increased value: A clean and well-maintained space can increase the value of your home or office. This is because potential buyers or renters are more likely to be impressed by a clean and well-maintained space, making it more attractive to them.
  5. Better sleep: A clean and organized bedroom can help you sleep better, which is important for overall health and well-being. A clean and tidy room can help to reduce distractions and create a more peaceful environment, which can lead to better sleep.

In conclusion, achieving a sparkling clean space is important for a number of reasons, including improved health, increased productivity, improved mood, increased value and better sleep. By following the tips provided, you can achieve a cleaner, more organized and more pleasant space.